Saturday, 22 September 2012

iPhone 5 Earns A Poor Score

Since the iPhone 5 uses a front-to-back design, a simple suction cup is all that’s needed to remove the front display. This is great news for everyone needing to replace a broken screen down the roa, especially considering it took the team 38 steps to remove the display assembly on the 4S. Furthermore, the battery is just as easy to remove once the screen is out.
It’s not all good news for the iPhone 5, however. The fact that the front glass, digitizer and LCD are all one component means this will drive up the cost to repair a broken screen.
In related news, iMore is reporting that Apple will be able to replace broken or otherwise damaged iPhone 5 screens directly in-store instead of having to replace the entire handset. A source within Apple told the publication that repair kits are on their way to Apple stores now. Cupertino has yet to confirm this but based on iFixit’s findings, it certainly seems plausible.

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