Sunday, 16 September 2012

Samsung takes Revenge On iPhone With Their New Ad For Galaxy SIII

We should all know by now that Apple has officially announced the details about their new iPhone and with pre-order stocks of the sixth-generation device being depleted, it looks as if they have once again managed to capture the attention of consumers. The device is set to hit retail shelves on Friday September 21st, but it looks as though not everyone is waxing lyrical about Apple’s latest creation. We didn’t expect Samsung to be shouting from the rooftops in favor of the Apple hardware, but in a move that tastes like sour grapes, they have actually gone and produced an advert that openly attacks the new iPhone 5.
No one really expected Apple and Samsung to become best friends and be involved in social activities together. After all, the Korean electronics giants are probably still licking their wounds after they were ordered to pay over $1 billion in damages to Apple following a decision made by a San Jose jury. It may just be me, but if I had publicly been shown to have copied another company’s designs and features, then I would concentrate on rebuilding my own reputation before I started to attack the same corporation’s new products.

That advert in question begins with the "It doesn’t take a genius" tagline, and is a clear play on words, using Apple’s own Genius recommendation service title to imply that everyone should be able to work out that the Galaxy S III device is more powerful and capable than the iPhone 5. The poster continues on to list a bunch of specifications of the iPhone 5 against their own flagship S III device, obviously omitting a lot of the more intricate inclusions of the new Apple hardware in order to make the S III look like a far more capable device.

There’s no denying that the Galaxy S III is an extremely powerful option for those users who choose to go with Android as their mobile operating system of choice. Samsung has built an extremely good piece of kit, but this latest attack on Apple and their products is nothing short of tragic in my opinion, and seems like an ill thought out attempt to steal away some attention from what has been a week dedicated purely to the iPhone 5. Samsung currently exists as the world’s top smartphone vendor and have some very popular hardware available, they should really concentrate on that rather than sniping at Apple at any given opportunity.

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