Sunday, 23 September 2012

Verizon iPhone5 Unlocked

If you’re planning to get a new Verizon iPhone 5, there might be a little bonus feature included that neither Apple nor Verizon are keen to admit. As units have started making it out of the stores, it appears that the Verizon version of the device is fully unlocked out of the box and able to connect to any GSM network.

Most phones you get these days in the US are locked to a specific carrier. If you want to put in a SIM card from another carrier, you need to get an unlock code. Not so with the new iPhone on Verizon. All you’ll have to do is get a nano-SIM to drop into the SIM slot. This might actually be the hardest part of the endeavor — most carriers aren’t offering these new, smaller cards yet. You can cut down a larger micro-SIM to fit, but you might damage it.

In the US, the Verizon iPhone will work just fine on AT&T 3G HSPA+ (although the phone will erroneously call this 4G in accordance with AT&T’s marketing). On T-Mobile, most users will get 2G service. The only exception is in areas where T-Mobile has rolled out its 1900MHz 3G bands, which were acquired from AT&T as a consolation after the merger fell through. Any and all overseas carriers should work, and the iPhone’s pentaband radio should get you 3G on most of them.

Verizon support is apparently confirming to customers that the device is unlocked. At the very least, this doesn’t appear to be a mistake. It likely has to do with the way the iPhone’s radios are designed along with the implementation of LTE on Verizon. This might make the device a little more palatable to those on the fence about upgrading, especially for anyone that travels.

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