Monday, 27 August 2012

Apple Wins Over Samsung

After several comings and goings over the past few months, the Apple v. Samsung verdict has come in, widely favoring Apple who claimed in U.S. courts that Samsung's Android smartphones and tablets infringed on its intellectual property, including patents, trademarks and user interface.

The verdict was unanimous, giving Apple the right to $1.045 billion in damages, a handsome figure that nonetheless comes short of the $2.5+ billion the Cupertino-based company was seeking from Samsung. Some of the offending products in this case include the Nexus S, Epic 4G, Galaxy S 4G, the Samsung Galaxy Tab, and several others.

Note that this only spells the begining of the end of the U.S. trial between the two companies. As with most legal matters, appeals from both sides are likely to come.
The amount of damages is extraordinary. A billion dollars in damages is extra. It’s one of the biggest patent verdicts ever. That’s a huge amount of damages. And the judge has to now decide whether to increase that for the wilfulness. And the judge could increase that as much as triple. The judge has to still decide if there will be an injunction against future sales or a recall of product.

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