Monday, 27 August 2012

Expected Features Of Xbox 720

A few days ago news of what the xbox 720 might have on it was leeked to the public so i am hear to give you a short overveiw of some of the things it is aparently going to have acording to this leek. First of all it might atualy be called the xbox 720 as on this leek it was called that. This should not come as shocking news as it does seem like the most likely thing for it to be called, i mean how much cooler does 720 sound than just 3. The next thing might seem odd but it might come with its own PVR. This would be great for some people and not for others, if it can record in HD quality then this would make HDPVR’s and other video capture cards useless if there was then a way to easily get then onto a pc or laptop. This would please people who want to do youtube recordings but cant because they dont have £100+ to spend on a PVR, but on the other hand it will make the people who have bought a PVR feel unhappy as they have just wasted £100+. Now to the atual spec. The CPU is aparently going to have six to eight cores in it wich does sound good and it is also going to have 4gb of RAM.It will also have a second CPU that came from the xbox 360 so it would support backwards compatibility. this is all well and good but you have to remember that this is only a suposid leek and could contain fake information. So far i am not sure what the GPU will be but i can tell you it will not be any of the newest GPU’s as they are far to costly for an xbox or a playstation. From the sound of this leek it should be good and is aparantly going to cost around $300 and is going to be about four to six time more powerful then the xbox 360 this is all i have found out so far.

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