Monday, 27 August 2012

iPad Mini Releasing In October-2012

Lots of rumors have popped up all around the internet about Apple possibly releasing a iPad Mini. This iPad will have a 7-8 inch screen, which is 3 inches less than the iPad 3. Websites such as JailbreakNation and CENET have been all over the iPad Mini. The planned release for the iPad Mini is this October of 2012. Again these are only rumors however.

A few years back after the release of the iPad Original, and right before the release of the iPad 2, there were lots of questions reagarding a iPad Nano or a smaller iPad. Apple had said that there was no need for a iPad Nano or anything of the kind because of 2 reasons. The iPod Touch and simple because of no need for one with today’s market. However it is possible Apple may have re-thought those words and decided to go ahead and make a smaller iPad. The main reasons for this is because of the release of the Kindle Fire, and the release of the Nexus 7 tablet.

If Apple does plan on releasing an iPad Minni it will be sometime around October. Already some possibil prices have come up and they are estamating that the starting price for an iPad Mini will be at $199 all the way up to $250. There is no news yet on storage options, however it is possible that they may be a 8GB iPad Mini.

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